The Academy of Classical Music

The goal of the Academy of Classical Music, founded in 2002, is to promote and popularise Czech music in the Czech Republic and abroad. Inspired by the legacy of the life and works of the composer Antonín Dvořák, the Academy is gradually expanding its range of activities that involve broadening cultural values, advancing culture in all areas, and last but not least, educating and supporting young artists, novice musicians, and youth interested in culture.


Since 2008, it has been presenting the Dvořák Prague International Music Festival, and since 2009 it has awarded the Antonín Dvořák Prize. Beginning in 2020, it is a co-presenter of the Dvořák International Radio Competition for Young Musicians Concertino Praga and of the Orchestral Academy at the Summer Music Academy in Kroměříž. The Orchestral Academy is the basis for a newly created youth ensemble, the Dvořák Prague Youth Philharmonic, which first presented itself at the 2020 Dvořák Prague International Music Festival. The ensemble’s format always depends upon the targeted focus of a particular educational programme. The repertoire chosen for the Dvořák Prague Youth Philharmonic in 2021 will focus on music for string orchestra.


Besides these regularly occurring activities, the Academy of Classical Music is actively involved in public life, and it attempts to contribute towards the advancement of society’s cultural values. In 2017, 2018, and 2019 it supported the St Vitus Organ Fund. For no charge, the academy prepared the dramaturgy and secured production for organ benefit concerts that were broadcast by Czech Television.


In the field of education, it made a contribution with the 2016 Cultural Leadership Summit – Leading Successful Cultural Projects in the 21st Century. Under the leadership of professional instructors from the DeVos Institute, the conference programme offered four days of intensive training on the building of a stable, healthy organisational culture with a focus on income diversified into fundraising, sponsoring, revenue from ticket sales, and other alternative possibilities in the context of Europe. The participants worked on artistic planning and programme marketing for the gaining of a public and on institutional marketing to make the organisation and its activities more visible, creating the prerequisites for successful fundraising. The training sessions also covered the mechanisms and types of fundraising along with strategic planning.



Offering programmes of the finest quality and making them available to the broadest public would not be possible without support from the private and public sectors. Thanks to our partners, we can present the world’s top classical music stars. We thank all of them for their support.


Principal patron

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Supported by


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Partner of the Antonín Dvořák Prize

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Contact Information

Akademie klasické hudby, z. ú. (Academy of Classical Music)
Maiselova 25/4
110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic

CIN: 26725347, VAT: CZ26725347
registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section U, Insert 527

T: +420 775 495 495, E:


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Annual Reports of the Academy of Classical Music